Friday, January 23, 2009

reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one-einstein

reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one. -einstein
Current mood: thoughtful
Category: Quiz/Survey

it's is intriguing to me the changes between urban sprawl aka cities near and far. the reality of feeling overly/rightfully vigilant when in downtown oakland wondering if one of the cops i snapped photos of will notice me and then i too will go down for having an opinion. traveling from acts of civil unrest in downtown to people walking their dogs, eating ice cream, and buying $300 shirts in rockridge at the same moment in time. these people completely oblivious to the anger, concern, and cry for justice in the air a mere 4.3 miles away. yet, the only opinion they receive is that of violence and destruction from the corporate media they trust in. to hear people talk about that poor officer and his family. how absurd it is for people to make his life harder than it already is now. i mean he turned himself in right? after a laundromat debate with these "individuals" i come to one conclusion. fuck them (which is the same they come to for me which is one basis on the division of classes) for not having their opinion but that of another that they tag-along with so as to not have to process for their own selves. the same people who can't wait in a line without calling or text messaging someone not to avoid their thoughts but i believe because they don't know how to think any longer. i care more about properly steamed milk than which side they are on. so long as they have some compassion for their backings. i feel like midget in a basketball game when i am in that atmosphere. as though i am a shadow with a unique shape so as to grab a glances worth of attention. atleast i can take out their knees right? it amazes me how our lives are so separated. yet many of our daily goals are the same. ow much emphases is based upon your income and place of residence versus character and respectabiity. now i am here in steamboat springs, colorado and to go out to get a cup of coffee i have to spend 6 minutes getting prepared for the elements outside. shoveling snow and having cars spray slush on your face. winter. it sometimes escapes my reality. yet i feel it is important to experience it yearly especially since spring is squatting my backyard already in the paradise of west oakland.
one the state of the world affairs while i find it astounding that obama was elected by the amerikan populace i am highly skeptical of his "change" for instance closing guantanamo and shipping the prisoners elsewhere. part of me says, "wow, this guy may actually do something." while my conspiricist in me says, "welcome to the face of the nwo, bush set us up for martial law and the people can now be blinded with what their televisions or computers say to do yet the background of it all is entirely corrupt." i think what happens with the us government, economy, and foreign relations would be the same no matter who won the presidential election. i mean come on now. you can't make a cherry tree produce apples if you put it in different soil. a cherry tree will always be a cherry tree now matter what you plant it in. a puppet is a puppet. i am just happy to feel that amerikans are more open minded racially than i anticipated them to be. this somehow turned into a rant. go figure. the best i can do myself is pay close attention to that which ails me and do my best to turn that around. if it's too large to turn around i can use it to work torwards making myself better. change begins and ends with yourself. while external energies may influence it is up to you ultimately to make right for yourself. i feel like were going to have to fight for that sooner than we think.

premise 14 from endgame by derrick jensen read by me during the inauguration. (which felt strange listening to while reading this incredible book!)
from birth on-and probably from conception, but i'm not sure how i'd make the case- we are individually and collectively enculturated to hate life, hate the natural world, hate the wild, hate wild animals, hate women, hate children, hate our bodies, hate and fear our emotions, hate ourselves. if we did not hate the world, we could not allow it to be destroyed before our eyes. if we did not hate ourselves, we could not allow our homes- our bodies- to be poisoned.....

more to come...

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