Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the eatie of the teenie weenie bananie

so check it out we are going to do this in segments as i am on my nokia 810 with a shoddy conneection. ready, set, go! so seeing as we had no appointments with the dental clinic until the 13th we decided to explore the hidden treasures of chiang rai, a northern city close to myanmar. we wake up in the morning and begin the day with a jovial tromp on over to blue diamond which serves actual vegetarian food but meat as well. finding actual vegetarian food in thailand is like finding a hundred dollar bill outside of a recycling center. it could happen but more than likely you just found a bleached and reprinted five, meanin theres usually atleast fish sauce or stock in food here. anyhow, we eat are food grab the bag of mango (keeps ya regular) at the morning market and get ready for a bus ride. we take a sawngtheaw over to arcade bus station and wait in line for a regular bus. the price of our tickets was 132B. we have some splendid caffiene while waiting for our chariot to arrive and swwep us away to a magical paradise. when the bus pulled up i knew why the tickets cost what they did. we got a aircon bus for being farang. it happens. my mouth was sore from the surgery so i took some tramidol which was a wise choice. we had the back seat which was basically like going four-wheelin it was so bumpy. the couple in front of us had the worst though. they unknowningly signed up for bullriding lessons. all in good humor though! upon arrival in chiang rai we got a tuktuk at the same time three other couples did, welcome to nascar folks. we started off in the lead but got the most social driver in thailand and soon were tailing the others. this is when it became apparent that we all had the same destination in sight. destined to win we took the outside and got the lead but were way behind before we knew it. tact was our only weapon now and the two of us refused defeat. we got there and charity ran ahead while i got the bags and thats how we got the only room at akha g.h. it was a nice room on the river right out of town and i bargained down from 300b to 200b hell yeah. ok batteries dying more excitin news to come tomorrow.

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