Sunday, August 16, 2009

go to the police

so it's sunset time in mae low outside of the wat and i get coffee from this couple who laugh over me asking for it in thai. sit down and we take some more pthotographs and enjoy the sunset. then we head back to find out where to wait for the bus back to chiang rai. only there is one problem. the sun is almost gone and there is no bus coming until following day. we went back to the wat searching for a ride in one of the vans but basically got laughed at and asked a shop owner who sent us to the police station. when we got ahold of them they tried to explain things to us and we did to them which involved laughter and confusion simultaneously. ultimately he waved his hand in teh air and said something and walked inside showing us where to stay sitting. we didn't have a slue as to what we were supposed to or not to be doing. a bus came by and i waved since that's what he did. nobody waved back. no bus pulled over. we had no clues. then he walked out with a huge headlamp. i thought he's gonna flag one down. well he walked in the back, came back out front and had some eggs, he went and picked the coop. so now im and toitally lost. then a car pulled up and a woman asked us to get in. he said to also and so we did. what the hell right? turns out he called around and found us a ride with someone leaving the area. we get in the car and the woman driving is a truama student in bangkok but her mom has neck cancer and she is leaving her studies aside to go take her to the doctor. he mother was the woman who sold me the coffee and had her ask me why i didnt ask her for a ride. funny, i wouldn't have htought too. she speaks english liek a pro and hopes to one day go to america. she has a friend in miami. i htink there is a decent amount of thai people in miami as i ahve heard this city brougt up many times. l.a. takes second. she takes us to town and drops us off at the night bazaar and contiues on ready to take her mother to lampang to the cancer center at 5 in the morning. we feel so fortunate and thankful for the ride. holy crap they saved us. we walk around and grab a fdew goodies then settle down to have a bite to eat. i end up ordering green curry and we watch this drag queen perform with huge stuffed animalesque boobs perfrom a lipsynch about a cnaadian who can't handle the hot food in thialand. it goes on and points out how it's hot gfoing in and hot going out. freakin hilarious. im also stunned because i understand some of it. im getting better. i think my little bit of thai really helps us here with buying things and rides. kinda seperates us from teh other farang and makes things alot cheaper.

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