Sunday, August 16, 2009

kun kow jai pasat thai nit noy krap

yes, i speak a little thai. i was ordering food alot in chiang rai speaking only thai as well as asking to go places and such. it felt really good and i think it was appreciated although i have found out some tonal differences i need to be careful of. primarily ow pet maak maak. which if you say pet in a low tone means spicy but in a high tone means sex. so you are either telling your server you want spicy very much or you want sex very much. which can be hilarious when to a teen but not so when to a grandmother. just thought you should know. so we took a local bus to mae low to go to wat rong khun otherwise known as the white wat. after sitting on the engine for the ride over i was hotter than a man jogging in a snowsuit in new orleans in august. still this wat is better than disneyland. the place is amazing. we got there and went to the food market across the highway to get some delicious we have no idea what we were eating food for dirt cheap (a full meal for 10B or $.30). there were little bones and crunchy parts we just couldn't break through. but we did our best and the stray dogs cleaned up our remains. we walk over to the wat and see that it's closed for the day. but catching it at sundown and walking around taking pictures was still so intense. this is some serious art started in 1998 by chalermchai kositpipat. who is a master at his work. when completed there will be nine buildings on the ground and he is training a team to carry on the work after he dies until their demise as well. a lifetime dedication. no kidding. now be forewarned that there is a sign up saying that foreigner is not allowed any longer without a tour guide due to continued disrespectful behavior. so women cover you legs and shoulders, men do the sam and no taking pictures inside at all or of a buddha image without sitting down. show some respect. i will continue this later with the saga of missing the last bus home...

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