Thursday, June 5, 2008

i hate the b word

usually don't go. nothing is in wow, alot has happened since i last wrote. but that should be how it is on this path to better health and living. i had my first day at grace dentistry yesterday. i expected to go in for my initial exam and return the following day to begin. instead i spent the entire day there. the facilities were as sterile as a 90 year old couples house in dallas texas. you could pass the white glove test. i was truly impressed. the technology was far beyond what i have seen ever in the states and they send alot of their specialist (26 six or seung sip hock of them) to the states for further schooling s well. both competent and professional i would give them two thumbs up. not to downplay painless in tahoe. he did as amazing job on my front teeth and i would recommend him to you for caring and top quality work in the california/nevada area. i, as previously stated, received a murder of more work than i anticipated, all in total, exam, x-rays, cleaning, four fillings , one root canal, one surgical extraction. all for the total of $586us. most of the staff spoke perfectly fine english and had a great sense of humor. the insect museum is also four blocks away so if you have time between you can go there. you can catch a sawngthaew for no more than 30 baht if you want to go right there. if they are headed that way it will be 10 baht. all in all i can't tell you how good the experience was. here is a link to their practice.
today i am getting another root canal after i visit the insect museum. also yesterday i got a new pair of simply dazzling spectacles. vision in 3-d is so much more exhilarating than the boring old 2-d. i can't believe you see in this everyday. you are very fortunate. while i was getting work done yesterday i went and had soup when i had an hour between appointments. i ate some sea life i still cannot recognize or begin too, blue balls and big octopuses, fresh eel, and something solid and round sliced thin that was VERY fishy. it was delicious though. a tantalizing and sweaty eyeball concoction. i love trying to order food in the area's the farangenglish. i also must mention that while i enjoy putting around on the tuktuk i wouldn't call it the method of transit you should make a regular part of your visit. take the sawngthaew (red trucks) basically anywhere in town for 20 baht. tonite i am getting a tattoo at my friends shop he works at and then i am planning on one more at naga. if you get tattoo's here (especially in chiang mai) do not mention going to other shops when visiting one. there is serious rivalry here and it will be taken as disrespect.
today after i go to the dentist i am considering going to a shooting range to fire .50 caliber machine guns. you don't get the opportunity very often. i went into an army/navy type shop here today outside of the wall and there were people putting together machine guns to look at for buying. behind the counter was a very small thai lady about 20 years old who was an expert. once again proving my point that when guns are freely available nobody gets shot. that's a huge can to open now though.
tomorrow morning if they don't make another dentist appointment today (i'm supposed to have 3 days off) i am going to go to mae sai and cross into burma. i am overflowing with curiosity especially post nargis. this may be one of the only open crossings along the whole border. of course you have to pay for entry both ways but it will be worth it. then i return and get ready for the sunday walking market. that is very exciting also. also and inviting thought is to finish my work i will have to come back again. i need healing time before i can get a couple of teeth finished. so that is another great opportunity.
sure he last night i ran into three friends from the states. two of which arrived that afternoon. it was one of their birthdays and so we went out for drinks, well coca-cola for me. we went to a punk bar and some wasted english hippies were running around in nothing but shorts and almost started a fight with the birthday boy. you don't want to be around a fight. going to jail is not the same as getting a massage at the woman's prison. oh yeah, i have a good scam with the tourist police (yes, there are two police forces here and the local won't really lift a hand for you). if you want to know write me and i will tell you about it. it is pretty much foolproof and can cover part of your expenses. after that my friend likes ladyboys and preferably was wanting to "hang out" with a post op. so we went down to the street you meet them on and had a drink at "juicy" bar. i met a couple of kratooey's amd we sat and talked. nicest people i have met so far. and contrary to popular myth not i was never propositioned by them. when walking by one bar i was spanked, hit in the back, and had my hand grabbed pretty much all at the same time. but with a gentle laugh and smile suppressing my initial anger it was really no big deal. especially after hearing my isreali friends stories of how the men were to his girlfriend while walking around. all of them grabbing her personal spots without a care in the world and he doesn't really know how to stop it. sucks, there was so much frustration still when they talked about it. to finish the story since my mind want to go to a museum now, we left our friend with the card to his guesthouse with the boys. i'mwas well taken care of. i'll write more later....after the frogs start singing...i will try an get pictures\video later

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