Friday, June 13, 2008

ok, so i only have a minute

today is a scramble. i am being worked like a water buffalo during harvest today. i leave this wonderfully hot internet cafe loaded with the smell of sweaty farang who drink an abundance of alcohol and drop off my bike, go to my thai lesson (of which i will be in more detail about later), go to the dentist for the last time this trip(!), then head to a mutual friends tattoo shop for some new work. this is going to get a little hectic. i feel similar to the time i was 15 or 16 and on acid making scrambled eggs. the eggs turned into little baby chicks spasming about, then resumed their scrambled appearance. this was a profound moment in reality for me but that is straying form the topic at hand. that being. i sympathize with the eggs as i relate to their feelings during this blending of the body. hah, i'm nuts. yesterday i went to meet my friend dumpy who has been having a hard time. i trekked my little feet across the hot concrete to rescue him from the taxi's at the train station. he wasn't on the train. so i meet this couple by corralling them into a sawngthaew before they knew what they were doing and getting them to get a room at my guest house. i think i found a way to make money here. i'm good at that. i just wanted cheap fare to be honest with you though. dumpy showed up a couple of hours later after i got back from the big mall. we went for food and entertainment. i just want to find canned bugs honestly. sounds marvelous. so i have ot make my way now, i hope to fit in an interview with someone who has gone through alot of medical procedure here and see their opinions on thai healthcare so i can report back to you but i am not sure it will work out. either way the best is yet to come.....especially since i'm broke....hahaha

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